Scientific Management

- Innovation
- Sense of belonging
- Systematic work processes
- Fact-based management
- Result- and goal-oriented
- Public mind and socially responsible

Customer and valued-people focus

- Student-focused
- Harmony / Team working
- Discipline and prompt
- Confident

Institutional Learning

- Enthusiasm in continuous work- and self-improvement

Science CMU

Science CMU : Be FUN to the Frontier.

What We Offer

Faculty of Science, CMU, offers various Thai and international undergraduate and graduate degrees in basic and applied science, spanning in 8 academic departments and 2 strong and 2 newly-established research centers.

The first

The first faculty in science of Chiang Mai University.

Center of Science Education

The center of science education and research of northern Thailand.

Prominent education

Prominent education and research about Doi Suthep, the revered mountain of Chiang Mai.


Internationally-renowned research featuring Centers of Excellence in various fields housed in modern laboratories.


More than 90% of faculty members hold PhD degrees in various fields of science and technology.


Numerous international and Thai graduate and undergraduate curricula.

Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science, as well as Chiang Mai University, was established in 1964 as one of the 3 original faculties.

The Faculty currently consists of 33 separate buildings which occupy a total area of 36 rai. Our mission is to produce high quality graduates in both pure and applied science disciplines that the nation as a whole and the local community need. Although the Faculty continues to grow and develop, we still focus on our 4 main tasks of teaching, conducting research, academic services for the community, and natural resources and environmental conservation. During its first decade, the Faculty of Science offered 5 Bachelor’s degree courses in Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Geological Sciences. In 1974, 8 Master’s Degree Programs were opened in Chemistry, Biology, Geological Sciences, Physics, Teaching Chemistry, Teaching Physics, Teaching Biology and Teaching Mathematics. Then, in 1989, the Faculty of Science was the first faculty in the University to offer Doctoral Degree Programs starting with 3 PhD Programs in Physics, Biology and Geological Sciences.

Our Research

“Strong basic science, as the foundation for country development. Modern applied science, to increase the country’s competitiveness. Coupling teachings with international frontier research in standard laboratories.”

Strengthening the values of Thai industrial wastes

What have we prepared are not more exceptional materials than the others, but are alternative ones for consumers to choose from. The research results have turned many sectors to value the industrial wastes.


Leum Pua rice

Leum Pua rice is a native rice, that thewhose quality is really good in terms of the amount of active ingredients. “Thai rice may be developed into a supplementary food known worldwide expected to be beneficial to farmers to increase income.” We already know that the active ingredient in rice not allergic to the herb ever.


Cool-Air Plasma Jet innovation

Cool-Air Plasma Jet is a tool that can be applied in patients with all kinds of wounds, including infection, drug-resistant, fresh wounds, ulcer, and some unhealable wounds deep down to the bone.


Modern Lanna Silver Jewelry

We are academics working with designers. We can together add values to the geological materials in the North to increase their economic values.


Valuable Digital Lanna manuscripts

We can increasingly understand the meanings of the words appearing on the Lanna palm-leaf manuscripts with advance technology.


Discovery of Truffles

Our researchers routinely make mushroom collecting trips to the mountain. There was this one time, the researchers accidentally encountered mushrooms looking like pebbles. Up til now, we have discovered 3 truffle species.


Li-Basin Traditional Fabric, The Northern-Thai Inheritance, Lamphun Province

Sometimes we forget to make the research practical for the villagers. We should do what we can to help them. It is also a way for us, researchers, to conserve and restore the art and culture.


“Ton Kla Ta Mog Kwan” Haze fighter youth camp

Ton Kla Ta Mog Kwan project is an activity that is focused on the youth in the upper northern Thailand. It is because we foresee that the youth will be adults in the future. They then should be able to solve the problem sustainably in the future.


The New Faces. Science, CMU.

They are our talented fresh new faces. Their taught courses and research are as excited as they are. Welcome to our new era!

Lect. Dr. Weerinrada Wongrin

Statistics Teacher

Expert : Applied Statistics.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Waraporn Nuntiyakul

Physics Teacher

Expert : Astrophysics.

Lect. Dr. Yothin Chimupala

Industrial Chemistry Teacher

Expert : Chemical & Process Engineering.

Lect. Dr. Watit Khokthong

Biology Teacher

Expert : Forest Sciences and Ecology.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Nuttee Suree


Expert : Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Pimonrat Tiansawat

Biology Teacher

Expert : Plant Biology.